
# patch1

do not sleep, just put value directly

Flag: ASIS{f18b0b4f1bc6c8af21a4a53ef002f9a2}

# FIXME patch2

def rol(x, n, bits=32):
    return (0xffffffff & (x << n)) | ((x & (0xffffffff << (bits - n))) >> (bits - n))
ans = 0xf1d833fd
return bytes.fromhex(hex(rol(ans ^ 0x64198234, 14))[2:])[::-1]

# patch3

It's writing itself!

def bswap(n, bits=32):
    ns = bytes.fromhex(hex(n)[2:].rjust(bits // 8, '0'))
    return int(ns[::-1].hex(), 16)
def rol(x, n, bits=32):
    return (0xffffffff & (x << n)) | ((x & (0xffffffff << (bits - n))) >> (bits - n))
a = 0xca9d63fe
a ^= 0x13373389
a = rol(a, 7)
a ^= 0xe5e5e5e5
a = bswap(a)
a ^= 0x3a29e87f
a = bswap(a)
a ^= 0x36478241
return bytes.fromhex(hex(a)[2:])[::-1]

# patch4

nop jump 🤪

# patch5

Decrypt code in .data XORing with 0xcafebabe

# patch6

Simply sum

# Very Strong Protected

Delete debugging protection

# Slowpoke

nop sleep

in got.plt!

# Paraguas

sub_401560("", 4343i64, &unk_408088); 

Write ip somewhere else in .data

# rsay

Change exponent to 1

# trialver

Increase iteration count

# redcolor

Fix entry point to 0x1060

# refunc

Change called function in main to one at 0x12c4

# Dady Long Arms

Nop conditional jumps

# virtpp

Change ctr call

# rootybooty

Nop reboot

# solidartnost

dart --disassemble solidartnost.jit

Change expected hash for 3rd question


# checksum

Change device to /dev/LUL

Disable integrity check

Make __fxstat to return info about stdin(0)

Made with Org mode, © 2023 - ∞ iliayar